Trainer working with a man on a cycling bike

Total Movement with Parkinson's

Total Movement with Parkinson’s is a free 12-week fitness program for those living with idiopathic Parkinson’s. 

Total Movement with Parkinson's


Total Movement with Parkinson’s is a free 12-week fitness program for those living with idiopathic Parkinson’s. Meet with a Healthy Living Coach to personalize a fitness plan, receive instruction on using equipment on the Wellness Floor, and attend fitness classes including water, cycling, total body conditioning, and group training.



Ages and Eligibility

Open to ages 18 years and up

This program requires an application process, including a written doctor's release.

Person teaching class at gym

Ready to Apply?

Due to the nature of the Total Movement with Parkinson's program, online registration is not available.

To apply for the program, please email

Still Need Help?

For more information, please contact Barb Millhollan, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Director, at or at 502-329-4793.

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