YMCA Black Achievers
YMCA Black Achievers is a multicultural effort to create equity in education as well as in the workplace by motivating African American/Black and other minority youth to develop and pursue high educational and career goals.
Black Achievers Intro
Since 1979, the YMCA Black Achievers at the Chestnut Street Family YMCA has encouraged and inspired youth to pursue their educational and career goals.
Through YMCA Black Achievers, youth gain a sense of self, raise their academic standards, build character, develop cultural competence skills, gain exposure to diverse career opportunities, engage in community service opportunities and receive hands-on service learning and field experiences. YMCA Black Achievers participate in an education-based mentoring program designed to holistically develop youth in grades 9–12 to their fullest potential.
Looking for specific information? Use the links below to find what you're looking for.
- Schedules/price/ages
- At a glance
- Registration
- Annual awards celebration
- Annual spring break college tour
- National Achiever Summit
- FAQs

2023 FBI Director's Community Leadership Award - YMCA Black Achievers Program
Congratulations to the YMCA Black Achievers Program for receiving the 2023 FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award (DCLA) from FBI - Louisville! Black Achievers Director, DeVonne Sorel, received the accolade from FBI Director Christopher Wray at their official award ceremony in Washington, D.C. We are honored to be acknowledged for our multicultural effort in motivating youth to develop and pursue high educational and career goals.
Why the Y
When you feel good about yourself, you have the courage to try new things and have new experiences.
The Y offers programs that mentor teens and young adults by exposing them to leadership opportunities.
The Y offers programs that introduce teens and young adults to community leaders and mentor opportunities.
Children gain the confidence they need to try new things, make new friends, and do well in school.
- Sessions take place at multiple locations.
Starting at $85
Teens in grades 9-12
Cluster sessions take place monthly on Saturdays at 9 a.m. during the program year. Please email blackachievers@ymcalouisville.org for specific details about all activities and special events.

Orientation Sessions
August 2025: Black Achiever Cluster Orientation
Financial Assistance
The Y is for everyone. If you're looking for financial help, we offer affordable membership and program rates based on household income. Learn more about our financial assistance program. Please stop by the branch or give us a call to discuss whether you are eligible for assistance.
At a Glance
Watch more Y stories
YMCA Black Achievers Program
Through YMCA Black Achievers, youth gain a sense of self, raise their academic standards, build character, develop cultural competence skills, gain exposure to diverse career opportunities, engage in community service opportunities and receive hands-on service learning and field experiences. A key benefit of Black Achievers is the relationship formed between adult achievers and teen achievers during career cluster workshops.
Career Clusters
The YMCA Black Achievers program provides students with hands-on learning and enrichment opportunities in various professional areas. Youth gain resource tools and professional road map strategies to navigate towards opportunities for success in their career areas of interest. Cluster groups are led by professional adult volunteer mentors in the following cluster areas:
Arts & Culture
This cluster is all about molding the next generation of creative minds and innovative leaders. Achievers gain the confidence to develop their visions and bring ideas to life. Youth are exposed to various career disciplines of art including fine arts, performing arts, culinary arts, visual arts, photography, sculpture, fashion design, and more.
Business, Accounting, Finance, & Banking
The world of business is a big place with endless possibilities for our achievers. Young entrepreneurs and future business leaders learn administrative skills, strategies for small business, gain exposure to the world of finance, economics, and the art of supply and demand.
Communications, Marketing, & Social Media
What’s a good business without a solid marketing strategy? Achievers will learn the importance of communication and how connecting people, sharing ideas, and motivating cultural trends is essential to any successful organization. Youth are exposed to a broad range of career opportunities available in the fields of mass communication, business marketing, broadcasting, journalism, and social media. Students also explore navigating their interests and the current trends with communication in todays’ communication platforms.
Computer & Technology
Computer and technology careers are increasingly in demand in our global, inter-connected world. Experience careers responsible for generating, collecting, classifying, recording and analyzing information. Youth will gain strategies for being successful in any field of choice. The next start-up entrepreneur or tech giant may be a YMCA Black Achiever!
Education, Human Services, & Non-Profits
Youth in this cluster are exposed to a variety of career opportunities in education, human services, and related fields. Achievers should choose this cluster if they want to make a difference and empower others, work with youth, or grow the next generation of future leaders. Teaching, administration, higher education, or even working as a youth director for the YMCA are just some of the many careers youth will explore. Join this cluster to get on the path to stimulating minds!
“Oh the things you can think if you only try…” Engineers make the world go around. Everything from running water or flying to your favorite vacation destination can’t happen without engineers. They link great ideas and scientific solutions to make a concept a reality. Youth in this cluster gain a better understanding of advancing technology, while exploring careers in engineering and other STEM related fields.
Health & Medical
Is there a doctor in the house? It could be you, in the future. Explore careers relating to health and the business aspects of all medical services. This cluster is the perfect remedy for anyone interested in the medical or any allied health profession.
Law & Government
Ever wonder how government works? What lawyers do? Here is your chance to find out. Learn about professions that deal with politics and law in our community, law enforcement, and government services.
Vocational & Trade
This cluster provides young achievers the opportunity to explore their interest and discover what skills they have. Future trade leaders will gain exposure to education, internship, and apprenticeship opportunities, and will be connected to a network field employer to assist them with their career search. Achievers explore skills they need to develop to meet their goals.
YMCA Black Achievers 46th Annual Celebration of Excellence and Achievement honored all graduating seniors, including the Youth Achiever of the Year, Makayla Brown. In addition, we celebrated Adult Achievers within our community including Adult Achiever of the Year, Corenza Townsend, Distinguished Achiever, Damion Lee, and our Legacy Award recipient, the late Thomas Cork Sr.
DeAndria Turner from WLKY served as our mistress of ceremonies and Jeff Jenkins, travel journalist and host of the National Geographic’s series, “Never Say Never” provided an impactful keynote address.
Congratulations to all the outstanding honorees.
YMCA Black Achievers National College Tour
The YMCA Black Achievers National College Tour is a week-long experience for youth to engage in an enriching experience to help prepare them for the next level after high school graduation. This college tour typically occurs during Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Spring Break.
Youth will learn about money management, build positive relationships with new friends, learn how to respect one another. Students will also about college life, and economic sustainability for life after college. Youth will view firsthand campus student center, dormitories, classroom settings, and identify equity and cultural supports available to them through university services. Youth will also have exposure to the arts and other cultural experiences to further their overall development. At the end of the experience all students will be required to submit a written essay about their educational enrichment experience.
Open to students in grades 9-12 who are current participants in the YMCA Black Achievers Program.
Achievers Summit
Taking place at the scenic YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in the mountains of Western North Carolina, the National Achievers Summit will provide valuable leadership development, life-enhancing skills and group interaction in a fun and exciting week. Adults will receive program and personal development, while also having opportunities to support and serve their youth achievers. Youth Achievers attending will engage in activities designed to improve academic performance, develop a positive sense of self, build character, explore diverse college and career options and interact with professionals and role models.
How do I volunteer?
How do I volunteer?
Volunteers are a crucial part of our programs, mentoring and guiding our students to become who they're destined to be. Interested in volunteering? View our volunteer opportunities (PDF) and complete a volunteer application (PDF) and submit via email to blackachievers@ymcalouisville.org.
You may also complete an online volunteer application.
How do Black Achievers alumni connect back with the program?
How do Black Achievers alumni connect back with the program?
If you're an alum of our Black Achievers Program, please take a moment to complete this short form or email your contact information to blackachievers@ymcalouisville.org so that we can connect with you.
What's the history of Black Achievers?
What's the history of Black Achievers?
YMCA Black Achievers was founded in 1971 by members of the New York Harlem YMCA. Since the program’s successful inauguration, it has been established in 135 sites throughout the U.S. One of the largest is located at the Chestnut Street Family YMCA.
Since 1979, the YMCA Black Achievers at the Chestnut Street Family YMCA has encouraged and inspired youth to pursue their educational and career goals. Walter Barnes was the Executive Director of the Chestnut Street Family YMCA when the program began in Louisville. He, along with other visionary leaders, sought to prepare young men and women for the global workplace.
Are there any prerequisites to enroll?
Are there any prerequisites to enroll?
No scholastic requirement to enroll.
What kind of training will program participants receive?
What kind of training will program participants receive?
We offer leadership training seminars, college enrichment, community service projects and special events that include:
- ACT/SAT Workshops
- College tours
- Scholarships
- College and career fair
- Company work site tours
- Community service projects
- Kwanzaa celebration
- Annual awards banquet
What are Career Clusters?
What are Career Clusters?
Black Achievers provides students with hands-on learning and enrichment opportunities in various professional areas. Youth gain resources and professional roadmap strategies to navigate toward success in their career areas of interest.
Creating A Safe Environment
The YMCA of Greater Louisville works in partnership with families, staff and volunteers to protect children from child abuse. Learn about how we keep kids in our programs safe.
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